The Images presented in this application are for illustrative purposes only, the purpose of which is to help users get an idea of what a specific region may have to offer.
Some Images in this application come from websites that help promote Cameroonian heritage.
To facilitate its use; it sometimes requires access to the geolocation of your mobile terminal as well as data, to locate precise geographical areas via Google Maps and allow you to plot a precise route.
This application can generate data consumption on the mobile terminal during its use because of the regional maps Google Maps integrated to the different geographical areas of Cameroon.
Last updated: 21 Dec 2020
1.1 CAMEROONIAN GUIDES, is a set of Mobile & Web Applications produced and designed by MUSINGROUP Inc. & Fortitude Lab development department whose head office is located in CAMEROON – DOUALA BALI RUE MANGUIER, (hereinafter referred to as “MUSINGROUP Inc.”) publishes a website and mobile applications available at the addresses: www. (hereinafter referred to as « Community Service ») which notably make available Free Community Applications unless otherwise indicated for the general public (hereinafter referred to as « Community Application »).
1.2 By Using one or more of the GUIDES CAMEROUNAIS Mobile Applications or the website www., As well as the Community Spaces present on the Service (hereinafter referred to as « Community Spaces ») and the Social Networks on which GUIDES CAMEROUNAIS is present (hereinafter -after referred to as « Social Networks »), you agree as a user (hereinafter referred to as « User ») to submit to the General Conditions of Use in force (hereinafter referred to as « T & Cs »).
1.3 The use of GUIDES CAMEROUNAIS services on Social Networks (Facebook®, Twitter®, etc.) is subject both to compliance by the User with these T & Cs but also to the general conditions of use as published by the operators of Social Networks.
1.4 The applicable T & Cs are those which are accessible online on the Service and Social Networks on the date of connection to the Service and Social Networks. The date of the last update is indicated in the title of this document. GUIDES CAMEROUNAIS may change the T & Cs at any time. In the event that, after their modification, the T & Cs would nevertheless remain accessible to the public via other websites or by any other means, they would not be opposable to MUSINGROUP Inc or FORTITUDE Lab. The User is therefore invited to connect to the Service to read the latest T & Cs and to click on the links on Social Networks in order to read the general conditions of use in force on Social Networks. The User is advised to keep and / or print these T & Cs.
1.5 You declare that you have the capacity to accept the T & Cs, that is to say that you are of legal age and that you are not under guardianship or guardianship. However, in the event that you are a minor natural person, you declare and acknowledge having obtained the authorization from your parents or from the holder (s) of parental authority concerning you. The holder (s) of parental authority has (have) agreed to be the guarantor (s) of compliance with all the provisions of these T & Cs. This is why parents (or holders of parental authority) are invited to monitor the use made by their children of the Service, the Applications, the Social Networks and keep in mind that the Service, the Applications and Social Networks are intended to reach a wide audience and that in their capacity as legal guardian it is the responsibility of parents to determine which Service, Program, Application and Social Networks are or are not appropriate for their child (ren). ) and monitor their use.
1.6 The User is advised to keep and / or print these T & Cs.
2.1 « User »: any person using the content of GUIDES CAMEROUNAIS (text, photos, videos, etc.) made available on the Website, Applications, Community Spaces and all the Social Networks on which GUIDES CAMEROUNAIS is present.
2.2 « Community Spaces »: spaces only present on the Service with which the User can interact by posting Comments.
2.3 “Comment (s)”: all comments / content (text, photos, videos, etc.) which may be published by the User on Community Spaces and Social Networks and for which the User is solely responsible .
2.4 « Social networks »: all community sites (Facebook®, Twitter®, etc.) on which GUIDES CAMEROUNAIS is present and on which the User can interact by posting Comments.
2.5 « Moderator »: Comments left by the User are subject to a posteriori moderation by FORTITUDE Lab and / or a service provider of their choice.
2.6 « A posteriori moderation »: the Moderator checks after their publication the Comments left by the User on Community Spaces and Social Networks.
To access the Applications, Website and guarantee optimal consultation of all the contents of the Service, the User must check that he has the necessary equipment necessary for the installation of the Mobile Applications or the consultation of the online website or our Web applications. - AUTHORIZED COUNTRIES
4.1 The Applications, Website, Community Spaces and Social Networks are in principle accessible worldwide. - SUBSCRIBE / IDENTIFICATION
5.1 Registration for the Service is compulsory for any User wishing to use the Community Spaces.
5.2 The User is solely responsible for the use of his Community Space customer account.
5.2.1 Any connection or data transmission made on the Service will be deemed to have been made by the User himself and under his exclusive responsibility.
5.2.2 It is also specified that the User is entirely and exclusively responsible for the use, by himself and by any third party whatsoever.
5.3 The User agrees not to disclose his username and password, except to assume their possible fraudulent use, for which FORTITUDE Lab can in no way be held responsible. In the event of loss or unauthorized use of his account, username and password, the User must immediately inform FORTITUDE Lab under the conditions provided for in the “CLAIMS” article of these T & Cs.
6.1 The User’s personal data is intended for FORTITUDE Lab and the Moderator. The optional information is intended to get to know the User better and thus to improve the services offered to him.
6.2 These data are however likely to be transferred or communicated by FORTITUDE Lab:
6.2.1 to third-party companies for the purposes of the proper functioning of the Service and for the User to access the Applications;
6.2.2 to FORTITUDE Lab partner companies provided that the User has given his consent when registering;
6.2.3 to the competent public authorities in the context of contentious and / or pre-contentious procedures.
6.3 FORTITUDE Lab may send the User, by post, email, SMS / MMS and / or any other communication medium, information allowing the User to get to know FORTITUDE Lab better as well as commercial information.
6.4 For any data transmitted as part of the Service, the User can
exercise their right of access and rectification of data concerning them and their right to object by following the complaints procedure described in the « COMPLAINTS » article of the T & Cs.
6.5 For any data transmitted within the framework of Social Networks, the User can exercise his right of access and rectification on the data concerning him and his right of opposition to the operators of the Social Networks concerned.
6.6 The User is informed that cookies may be installed automatically on his browser software when he visits the Service.
6.6.1 A cookie means a file that can be saved, subject to the User’s choice, in a dedicated space on the hard drive of his terminal, when consulting the Service using its navigation software. A cookie file makes it possible to identify the terminal in which it is registered, during the period of validity.
6.6.2 A cookie file contains data, such as the IP address of the User, the type and language of the browser, as well as the date and time of connection, etc. These cookies have a limited lifespan and are stored temporarily on the hard drive of the User’s computer.
6.6.3 These cookie files make it possible, among other things, to measure the audience of the Service and to identify the User. For more information on the purposes of the cookies used and to oppose their setting, the User can refer to the « Cookie Charter » published on the Service.
7.1.1 For any questions about the Applications, the Service and the Community Areas, the User can send his request to: or
7.1.2 In order for his request to be processed, the User must communicate to FORTITUDE Lab all of the following:
- the date of the notification;
- if the notifier is a natural person: his name, first names, profession, domicile, nationality, date and place of birth;
- if the notifier is a legal person: its form, name, registered office and the body which legally represents it;
- description of the disputed facts and their precise location;
- the reasons for which the content must be removed, including a mention of the legal provisions and justifications of fact.
7.1.3 The request thus filed will be examined by FORTITUDE Lab and / or the Moderator, who will do everything possible to resolve the question as soon as possible and provide it with the most appropriate solution.
7.2.1 For any questions about Social Networks, the User must respect the procedures put in place by the operators of the Social Networks concerned.
7.2.2 The request thus filed will be examined by FORTITUDE Lab if it has been able to take cognizance of it and within the limits of the procedures put in place by the operators of the Social Networks. FORTITUDE Lab will then do everything possible to resolve the issue as soon as possible and provide it with the most appropriate solution under the conditions set by the operators of the Social Networks concerned.
7.3.1 For any question relating to the right to access, oppose, modify, rectify and delete data concerning him, the User can send his request to the following contact details: support @ guides-camerounais. org or
7.3.2 The request thus filed will be examined by FORTITUDE Lab which will do its utmost to resolve the matter as quickly as possible and provide it with the most appropriate solution.
8.1.1 The User agrees not to make any commercial use of the Applications, the Service, the Community Spaces and Soc Networks
ials which would not be expressly authorized by FORTITUDE Lab and / or would be likely to cause prejudice to FORTITUDE Lab and / or to third parties.
8.1.2 The fact that the User uses the Applications, the Service, the Community Spaces and Social Networks does not grant him any particular rights with regard to copyright, rights to know-how and trademarks or service marks or any other industrial or intellectual property right relating to FORTITUDE Lab or to the partners of MUSINGROUP Inc. (hereinafter referred to as « the Rights »). The User agrees not to use the trademarks and / or MUSINGROUP Inc. & amp; FORTITUDE Lab and not to infringe Rights in any way. The User must not modify, reproduce, sell, in any way, our Applications, including codes, unless he is explicitly authorized to do so by FORTITUDE Lab. The User undertakes not to use our Applications in a way which may, in whole or in part, be interrupted, damaged, rendered less efficient or, in any way, altered. Only the use of our Applications for private or public use within the authorized framework to the exclusion of any other use. The Applications may be used for other purposes, in particular for professional purposes or for free public performances. Any other use, except with the prior written authorization of MUSINGROUP Inc. and / or other beneficiaries, constitutes infringement and is punishable under intellectual property. Any total or partial reproduction of the Service and / or the Program is strictly prohibited.
8.1.3 The User is solely responsible for the Comments he leaves on Community Spaces and Social Networks. As such, the User guarantees FORTITUDE Lab against any recourse and / or actions that could be brought by any natural or legal person as a result of the publication of the Comments.
8.1.4 The User guarantees FORTITUDE Lab that he has the necessary rights for the publication of Comments.
8.2.1 The Internet is a space of conviviality which presupposes respect for others and for the law. The User agrees to:
- exercise good judgment in the use of Community Spaces and Social Networks;
- respect the courtesy necessary for the smooth running of debates;
- use correct language , understandable and not repetitive.
8.2.2 The User must not post on Community Spaces and Social Networks Comments which: Would be contrary or likely to be contrary to the laws and regulations in force, public order and good morals. The following are prohibited, without this list being exhaustive:
- Comments promoting crimes and offenses, in particular crimes against humanity, war crimes, murder, rape, etc.
- Comments of a pedophile nature;
- Comments affecting in any way minors and respect for human dignity;
- Comments of a violent, denigrating, defamatory, abusive, unlawful, hateful, racist, anti-Semitic nature, obscene, pornographic, inciting suicide or otherwise reprehensible;
- Comments inciting any form of discrimination (in particular racial, sexual, religious, linked to a disability, etc.);
- Illegal comments related to gambling. Corresponds to the exercise of a commercial activity, in particular Comments of a promotional nature or containing a hypertext link to a commercial site; Would damage or be likely to damage the image or reputation of a brand or a natural or legal person; Would infringe or be likely to infringe the protection of the personal data of a third party; Would be contrary or likely to be contrary to the Charter of use of the CAMEROON GUIDES Applications.
8.3.1 User Comments are subject to a posteriori moderation.
8.3.2 The Moderator reserves the right without first notifying the User to delete at any time any Comment that would be contrary or likely to be contrary to the « Rules and practices relating to the behavior of the User » of even in the event of a third party claim.
8.3.3 Each User may at any time report to the Moderator a Comment which would infringe his rights and / or which would be contrary to the “Rules and practices relating to the behavior of the User” by following the complaints procedure described. to the « CLAIMS » article of the T & Cs.
8.3.4 For Comments left on Social Networks, the User must use the reporting procedures provided by the operators of the Social Networks concerned. In this case, the User must refer to the general conditions of use of the Social Networks concerned.
Legal notices and General conditions of use
9.1 Consulting the GUIDES CAMEROUNAIS Applications implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet, in particular with regard to technical performance, response times for consulting, querying or transferring information, protection of certain data against possible misappropriation and the risk of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the network.
9.2 FORTITUDE Lab does not guarantee that the Applications and the website operate without interruption or that it does not contain any computer errors. FORTITUDE Lab undertakes, however, to make every effort, within the framework of an obligation of means, to correct any defects that may be observed.
9.2.1 FORTITUDE Lab will use its best efforts to maintain the Service and the Applications in an operational state. However, this is an obligation of means and FORTITUDE Lab does not offer any guarantee that the uninterrupted operation and / or the continuity of the Service can be ensured, in particular and without these cases being limiting, in the event of force majeure. or fortuitous events as defined by the regulations in force.
9.5 FORTITUDE Lab is not responsible for non-compliance with the general conditions of use of Social Networks by the User.
9.6 FORTITUDE Lab is not subject to a general obligation to monitor Comments left on its Community Spaces and Social Networks over which it only exercises a posteriori control and can only engage its responsibility as a ‘host.
9.7 In the event that FORTITUDE Lab’s liability is incurred as a result of a breach of one of its obligations under these T & Cs, compensation will only apply to direct, personal and some, to the express exclusion of compensation for all indirect and immaterial damage and / or damage, such as financial damage, commercial damage, operating and turnover losses, loss of data.
These General Conditions are subject to Cameroonian law. In the event of a dispute, the courts of Douala will have sole jurisdiction.